Big Green Egg Kül Temizleyici

Big Green Egg Kül Temizleyici
Charcoal leaves ash. By removing the ash with the Ash Tool and collecting it in the Ash Removal Pan, the air will flow freely again through your Big Green Egg. You need that oxygen and airflow to quickly heat your EGG to the right temperature and maintain that temperature. The ash shovel fits perfectly into the draft door to avoid any spillage.
In order to optimally control the temperature during EGGing, there should be as little ash in the EGG as possible. Thankfully the Ash Tool loves to make things tidy. You can use the metal poker to push all the ash to the side before using the EGG, which will benefit your dishes. The Ash Tool is available in 3 sizes, and after use you can simply hang it next to your other tools.
All the products from Decurateur are original and they are covered by warranty.
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