Riviera 3 fiori 50 - Planter

De Castellı Riviera 3 fiori 50 - Planter
Riviera 3 fiori 50 - Planter
Riviera 3 fiori 50 - Planter
Riviera 3 fiori 50 - Planter

Riviera 3 fiori 50 - Planter

Fiyat 167.086,00
KDV dahil.
  • Orjinal Ürün
  • Mimari Destek
  • Stokta yalnızca 1 ürün var
  • {{ date }} tarihinden sonra stokta olacak

“I have always been attracted to nature because it manifests its strength in unexpected contexts”. With this, Aldo Cibic has built a natural landscape in miniature, made poetically of structures, containers and objects to accommodate small gardens, both internal and external. With a minimal and essential design and a thin and almost imperceptible frame, the lightness of the lines converges to enhance the expressiveness of metals and the sensoriality of their surfaces.

Structure: Acciaio inox brunito



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